Since giving up his job as a grocery truck driver in 2002, Tim Hawkins has been forging the magical blend between two comedic ideals: A genuinely funny comedy show that caters to the entire family. Is it realistic? Hawkins believes so. With over 300 million views on YouTube, 110 sold out show dates every year, 125K YouTube subscribers, and a motley crew of 400K+ Facebook fans, Tim has started a gut-busting grassroots revolution of multi-generational proportions.
What sets him apart? Some would say it is his equally gifted and twisted approach to the medium. His stand-up material is vigorous, well-timed, and honed to perfection. And his music? It stands on its own. However, the connection he makes with his fans goes deeper than that: “If you can’t laugh at yourself, laugh at other people.” It is this ability to show the brokenness of our human nature and simultaneously marvel in its hilarity which makes Tim such a unique artist.
The perils of marriage, parenting, and homeschooling may not exemplify the rock-star life, but they sure make for great comedy. And as Tim would tell you himself, “It’s not like I have choice. Comedy is my only life skill.”