Kaitlin has been in love with the music industry since the age of 7, when she wrote her first song “Connection with Affection”, which quickly became a hit on the local playgrounds of Smithtown, her hometown on Long Island. Although her daily school recess performances were exhausting, and cassette tape sales were lacking, she knew she wanted to be in the music business.
Kaitlin graduated from the University of Delaware, where she studied English and used every spare moment she had involving herself in the local music scene. She quickly made a name for herself locally, writing and playing original music with her band, while handling the booking and business side full time. After several years of booking shows from New York City to Maryland, Kaitlin gained a thorough understanding of the business and a passion for producing the best shows possible.
With her high energy and enthusiasm, Kaitlin prides herself on turning the stress of booking an event into something that’s easy, and even fun! She’s thrilled to be at ECE, and looks forward to making your event an unbelievable and memorable night!